RTFF Code of Conduct

Est. 2024

While we appreciate dialogues and differing opinions, RTFF intends its environment to be free of harassment, discrimination, or abusive behavior.  We ask that everyone—artists, audiences, industry, donors, sponsors, volunteers, staff, board members, and beyond—maintain an environment that is welcoming to all.

  • RTFF will not tolerate any discriminatory or threatening behavior based on race, gender identity/expression, disability, sexual orientation, age, ethnicity, physical orientation, religion, language spoken, and immigration or economic status.
  • Be intentional with your words and abstain from hate speech of any kind and abusive or offensive language or images, including the abuse of chat or similar electronic communications.
  • Be mindful of the personal space and boundaries of others by avoiding unwelcome, unlawful attention. Harassment of any kind will not be tolerated.
  • Be respectful of moderators, artists, and audience members by refraining from disruption of screenings, panels, or other events.
  • Be a conscious visitor by treating Round Top residents and community with respect.

RTFF reserves the right to revoke tickets, passes, and access to RTFF events, without notice or refund, for any action that violates this Code of Conduct. Any individual who witnesses or experiences a violation should contact a RTFF staff member immediately. If a RTFF staff member is not present, contact admin@roundtopfilmfest.org.

Patron Responsibilities

  • All seats are general admission, and multiple seat-saving is not permitted. 
  • We ask that you vacate the theater between screenings so staff members can do a thorough cleaning between screenings.
  • RTFF is a smoke-free event. Please be considerate of our neighbors and local businesses. 
  • Round Top Film Festival is a no-carry event, which includes all screening venues and event venues. You will not be allowed access.